Much to Learn
Soul Contracts With Your Cats
Ok, so I am going to dive into some more of my “woo woo” right now. I have been doing a lot of reading, researching, and learning about about cat’s purpose and the lessons they have for us. Through it all, I have learned about soul contracts and how that ties into their purpose and lessons.
Communicating with my cats
Animal Communication has always been an interest to me. Being able to communicate and have conversations with not only my cats, but the deer and squirrels that roam around my property. Or an injured or sick animal to see what they may need. How cool would it be to have that ability. To be like a modern-day Dr. Dolittle!
Energy Healing
Now the topic of energy healing may not be for everyone. Some may say that there is no way you can heal just through the transfer of energy. And that is ok. This article will resonate with those who are meant to read it. It is for those who would like to know more about energy healing and how this modality can work wonders with your cats. I have, personally, witnessed just how powerful energy healing can be. I have seen it work with Emmet and his GI mass.
Create A Herb Garden For Your Cat
I am positive that you have given your cat some catnip at some point. Probably in a catnip toy. But have you tried…
3 Easy Ways To Use Crystals With Your Cats
Over the past few months, I have been using crystals with my cats. We have been getting great results and it has been…
Using Hydrosols With Your Cats
What is a hydrosol and how can it benefit your cat? A hydrosol is the water part of the distillation of essential oils. Because hydrosols are already diluted, it is…